In recent years, we have thoroughly enjoyed contributing to the Outdoor Classroom Project with Dodges Ferry Primary School, Okines Community House and other community groups.
Situated on the traditional lands of the Mumirimina people and on what was from 1864-1919 the Dodge family’s Lagoon Farm, a land swap in 2013 saw part of the Council-owned Recreation Park (between the school, the Okines Community House lease and First Avenue) become part of the school grounds. In return, the sports oval was added to the Sorell Council-managed Recreation Park and bush reserve surrounding the school.
The school land, now known as Lagoon Park, centres on a majestic blackwood tree that inspired the school’s emblem in 1987, along with heritage fig, palm and quince trees on the Lagoon Farm homestead site. The old farm house fell into disrepair in the 1970s and 80s and was demolished in 1984. Sorell Rotary Club constructed a shelter shed in 1985 that marks the position of the homestead. In June 2014 the School Association committed $20,000 towards play equipment for older students and the community to enjoy.
In 2014 an outdoor classroom idea proposed by then grade 5 DFPS student, Ethan Reed, won a national Schools First prize for school-community collaboration. The outdoor classroom idea went beyond the school grounds to encompass the community precinct by Okines Beach including Okines Community House and Garden, the foreshore wetlands, the bush reserve and recreation park.
In 2019 the school’s Outdoor Classroom project team was successful in securing a Tasmanian Community Fund grant to establish a 1km ‘Community Loop’ gravel track encircling the school and Okines precinct. The initiative is part of the school community’s long-term strategy to encourage learning through outdoor activity and ongoing community connections. Student artwork and quotes mark waypoints around the track and help connect with the wider area, including the Mumirimina and Lagoon Farm history. The track was officially opened on Outdoor Classroom Day, 5th November 2020.