From a postcard of Dodges Ferry Beach c1950 (where the jetty and boat ramp are now)

Postcard of Carlton Beach from Spectacle Head c1950 (Judy Pearson recalls walking through the bush from Dodges Ferry to Carlton Beach in about 1948 when there was no road behind the dunes and no houses)

Dodge family group 1930/31

Jetty at Okines Beach, Dodges Ferry, built around the time Sorell Causeway opened in 1874. Alterations were made to this jetty c1885 and it was demolished after Word War II.
Dodges Ferry Jetty served cargo boats and steam ferries from Hobart but was never a passenger service. Ralph Dodge’s passenger service came to a end around 1874 also.

The old Lewisham Tavern on the day Tasmanian Don Bonham ran in the Stawell Gift in Victoria. His wife Lenore Bonham Dodge is pictured with her cousins Barbara Reardon and Ralph Reardon. They had gone to the Tavern to phone through for the race results.

Old Carlton Post Office

Rear of Old Carlton Post Office

‘Lagoon Farm’ Historical Sign on the foreshore at Dodges Ferry Primary School

‘Samuel Thorne Reserve’ on Lewisham Scenic Drive